Sunday, March 16, 2008

Roses of the Dawn... character ideas

Here are a few ideas of the main characters. I'm not sure at this point if I'll be going with 3 or 4 characters to begin with. I might have more characters join later, some or the originals may go away, settle down, etc. But this will follow the core people, basically the fighter and the sorcerer.

The fighter - I'm uncertain at this point on it this character will be male or female. Either way, they will have been raised with only their father. Their father is the village smith. He does the expected type of tasks in a village situation, such as shoe horses, make hinges, makes other tools and implements needed from iron. His child has always been there to help him since they were strong enough to pick up a tool. His child is growing up fast, and the time for his journeymanship is comming soon. The smith will miss his trusted assistant, but it is time to let them go.

The sorcerer - Basically is a skinny little rat that is always into mischief. One day, they notice strange things sometimes happen when they think about doing things. For example, (s)he was going to close the door behind herself once (s)he brought in a basket of vegetables for (her)his mother. They turn and start to reach for the door, and the door starts to close itself. With a little pushing motion, the door does close. At first, it made ya kinda woozy headed, but the more he did that, the more he wanted to do it. Slowly, they found that they could do the door close thing 3 or 4 times before getting light headed. One night, he was having a bad dream, and sat up with a start, and a light was shining above his/her bed. It was no lantern or candle, just a glowing orb, that slowly faded away to nothingness after a few minutes. The more and more he used his magic, the more he wanted it, craved it. It was exausting, but so thrilling at the same time.

The cleric - they are the middle child of the local herbalist and carpenter. Her mother instilled into her and her siblings the love of the woods. They have also been taught a goodly portion their mother's extensive knowledge of herb lore since the day they were born. One day she was out in the forrest just to the east of town, gathering herbs and mushrooms her mother needed. She was in no rush to finish her task on such a beautiful day, and as usual, was just wandering around the wood, looking, learning and exploring the wood around her. She found a wonderfully sunny patch of the softest grass you'd ever see. She was suddenly sooooo drowsy, so she stopped to take just a short nap. Seemingly as soon as she closed her eyes, she was dreaming, and a magnificent creature appeared before her. He told her that she had been called into the service of Obahad Hi, if she chose to accept the calling, that she would only simply need to start wearing this. In his hand, was what seemed like at first a piece of knotted and knarled wood, but upon closer inspection, she saw that there was a face in that wood of the man of the woods, Obadad-hi. If she chose to follow him, go into the woods, back to this same place and she would be instructed on what she needed to know. When she awoke, she first expected it to only be a bizare dream, but yet, in her hand, the piece of gnarled wood was in her fist. At first the girl didn't know what to do. She had always thought that she would just either take up her mother's craft, either helping here or another village nearby, but to become a cleric? Obviously, she chooses to become a cleric, but does she keep doing so? Does she like it? I was also thinking of this girl also possibly having a slight addiction that develops into a deleima. She loves her mushrooms. Her mother also uses the mushrooms, but only when she goes on vision quests on important days, but this girl find that she enjoys the high from the mushrooms more than she should, and she begins to neglect her diety and her friends and family. Part of the story is the consequences of her action. Maybe someone dies that she cares for, or she is maybe even kicked out of the clericy for a while till she straightens up.

The last character, I was planning on having either a ranger or a druid. I thought that that would be someone that the characters could go to to help them survive early on in the wild. I'm leaning toward ranger, and this ranger be apprenticing in leather working and tanning. He hunts, and kills, skins and tans the hide, then makes it into something.

Well, I've got to go. The kids are sick tonight.

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