Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ideas... A picture is worth a thousand words

For anyone following this, my fantasy story is, at least tentatively, "Roses of the Dawn". Roses coming from their hometown name, Rosenford. The Dawn refers to the start of these kids' lives. They are on their way to adulthood, and they are starting to realize what life is about, and it just so happens to take place in one of my favorite settings, in a fantasy world, where literally anything is possible, good and bad, and believe me, it exists here in this world in both extremes.

I've been trying to develop a way of creating my characters and their stories surrounding them. I basically have a good idea of who they are when they start their journey, and I kind of have an idea of where I want the characters to be by the end of the story. But betwixt point A and point B... not a whole lot is going on in my brain. Geez... as much as I've thought about these guys if I had some idea of what they would be doing between point A and B, I could have the tale written by now. I know some of what I want the characters to go through, but the main part of a fantasy adventure story is the fantasy adventure.... right? But I want to present these kids growing into adults as real people. They get their hearts broken (and recover from it), they lose people they love, they make stupid decisions and recover from their mistakes, learning from them, and sometimes, just dumb luck hits them at just the right time and things work out.

Most stories that I've read, just simply focus on what they're doing, with an occasional love interest or attraction somewhere... and friendship. But in real life, you sometimes have to work with people that you really don't like. You get along with them, because you need them to help complete something that has to be done. Sometimes, you don't always make the right decisions, but with any luck, you do learn from your mistakes and are better prepared IF a similar situation happens again.

I've been thinking about a idea, at least to help get me started on the people, and helping me define my character's relationships with the other people around them. I want someone that reads my final story to almost "see" with their minds' eye the movie of the story I'm telling, so I'm taking the concept of a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe a thousand words (or more) will paint the vivid picture I want in my reader's mind, so I can define the characters and what they are going through personally, maybe then, the rest of the story will develop.

Picture one of Roses of the Dawn... (yes, I know, this story is going to take place in a medieval fantasy world, with no cameras, but just shut up and listen. LOL) A group of youngish kids are busy around the town of Rosenford. The group is all about the same age, within a year or two, but from various backgrounds. They all grew up with each other, and at least tolerate each other, but most are good friends. There is the blacksmiths' son that has a perpetual smoky scent from his father's furnace. He is very strong and muscular, and has a HUGE crush on a girl that is the seamstress'/tailor's daughter. Evident to all but her, of course. The next fellow is somewhat of a loner, he loves the woods and the delights it hides in its' depths. He currently makes his living hunting for the local townsfolk, and also helping the tanner. The girl is a naive, but isn't dumb. She is a talented seamstress already, and loves to dress in her own creations. Some are more successful than others. The last lad in the picture is quietly hanging out in back, chatting with the hunter. He's expected to be another herbalist with the rest of his family, but doesn't enjoy it. His mother is making him go with this group. He knows it's for his safety, but WHATEVER. The hunter is probably is best friend. I haven't decided, but there might be one other character, possibly a girl. Not sure about her yet. These kids are getting ready to go through their village's rite of adulthood, the journeymanship. They have apprenticed with their families all their lives. They are to go out into the world and learn more about their trade, or a specialty within their trade from others out there. The group has met today to discuss their trip. For safety, they are going to take the long journey to Deepwell Valley. A town of artisans and craftspeople that reside in the edge of the empire in the mountains, about a weeks' travel on foot away.

Rosenford is just a small town, at a minor intersection of two trade routes. The township is pretty small and unimportant, with it's biggest export being the town's rosewater, created by the local herbalist. Rosenford is quite literally named, for the ford in the largish river that flows South East through here. On the banks of this river, near the ford, is an abundance of sweet smelling wild roses. When the roses bloom, many of the residents gather blooms and make their own rosewater for perfume, but the herbalist is the only one that actually makes enough to sell. She has customers in many of the large cities and even in other countries.

Well, that's it for now... Maybe picture 2 of the start of their adventure will come next week.

Peace peeps!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More thoughts

OK.. so I haven't exactly written as much as I should have lately, but I'm going to try to remedy that. Ideas for the book:

With my bad guys in the book, I'm thinking about making them bad, but not just evil creatures. They are fighting because others in positions of power have told them lies about the human/elf/etc. populations that live across the mountains, or at least have told them that the worst of the civilization is commonplace for all. Humans can be a greedy and violent lot.

Across the mountains in the heartland of the continent, live a race of wolf like humanoids. The are generally peaceful people that live in smallish, wandering tribes. NAME?? This people have their own wars and disputes, but some of them are settled peacefully, others in all out wars. Very proud people. However as in most societies at one point or another, there are a few power hungry leaders whom leading their group is not enough. They start sending raiding parties into the human and elven lands... breaking ancient treaties. First it was gold, metals, livestock ... then they started destroying farms, raiding trading caravans, and so on. They wanted to push back the humans and elves, wanting to reclaim the land for themselves, but the humans and elves were not so easy to push.